Come to the water of your heart

Auspicious moments make us deal with something new, such as issues we have just overseen on the road here. Self-love seems the hardest to practice. There is nothing selfish in loving yourself. The best way to Love yourself is by rehearsing your Love in the most minor daily actions. What would Love do today? Acceptance and Love for myself will pour into all my material realities and relations. Learn to refill your source of Love and acceptance. Start and come back always to yourself. Share Love where it is most difficult for you.

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Summer means freedom

Here is summer in full swing. Summer means freedom, sun, sea, solstice, gatherings, outdoor practice and pleasant being in nature. However, we face rising temperatures that could turn our summers into not-so-favourable seasons. Meanwhile, we allow ourselves joy and gratefulness, learning and growing in a mindful and purposeful life. We got one from the card pile with a nice message about the first step toward change.

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